Monday, February 15, 2010

Real Simple, Real Silly

With all of the wedding buzz going around these days with big bro's wedding coming up and having many of my friends planning weddings, I was inspired to pick up a wedding magazine at the store the other day. Now, before you go thinking, "You're rushing things a bit, Southern Charm. When was the last time you went on a date?" remember that it is my dream to be a wedding planner, so I am looking at things from that perspective, not my own wedding (yet).

As I was looking through my new mag, I saw that I got a free year subscription of Real Simple for purchasing this mag. I cannot begin to explain how excited I was, because my aunt had previously gotten me a subscription to Real Simple and I just loved it! I was so sad when my subscription ended and I was feeling a little too cheap to buy it for myself. Immediately, I filled out the post card and put it in the mail.

Well, this past week I received a catalog of wedding invitations in the mail. I thought it was a little strange to get that, but I don't discriminate against mail that is not a bill or meant for someone else. Then Saturday, I went to get the mail again and I had a single post card. It read:

"Dear Ms. Southern Charm,
Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!...You are going to love your year subscription to Real Simple Weddings..."

First of all, I thought I was getting Real Simple, not Real Simple Weddings. Secondly, I am not getting married!!!! So I guess I can look forward to a year of getting fun wedding things in the mail for my fake upcoming wedding. I am actually really excited about it because I love reading about weddings and seeing what the latest trends are. I just felt rather silly because I was expecting another mag in the mail. Just call me The Wedding Planner :)


  1. I literally laughed out loud when I read this. That's the type of mistake I would make! But at least you get to look at fun wedding magazines and things for the next year. (On a side note...when you DO get a date and bring him over to your place, I would definitely recommend hiding the weddings magazines. Don't want to scare him away!)

  2. okay, so I laughed out loud at the post, then again at meg's comment! Good advice and hilarious that you'll be getting stuff to plan a fake wedding. LOVE IT!
