Friday, November 13, 2009


Unfortunately, my thermostat broke last week, and last night was so cold! If you could have seen the way I slept last night, I am sure you would have been entertained. I reminded myself of the scene in New in Town where you can't even see Renee Zellweger because she is burrowed in blankets. I had my thermal pjs, electric blanket (thank goodness) and 2 additional blankets on top of that! I stayed warm!

The heating guys came and fixed it today so when winter comes and it gets even colder, at least I will have heat!

Tonight I am making pumpkin bread with dark chocolate chips and I just found an Audrey Hepburn documentary on TV! Not surprising, I already know most of this information, but I will never get sick of watching these things. (So since I already licked the batter and ate enough chocolate chips to feed a family, it has turned out to be a great night so far!)

Well, I better go get ready for the night! PS I am so excited for this weekend!

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