Monday, August 9, 2010

Shellac Attack

I splurged this weekend and pampered myself with a mani. Not just any mani, but one of those new fads, the gel manicure. It is also called shellac. These are amazing! Not only are they supposed to last longer, but they dry instantly! No sitting there with your hands under the dryer wondering if you will have wasted your $20+ because you leave a minute too early and ruin the polish. And the whole process is so fast! I got a french manicure done, and I was only there for like 30 minutes (could be that my manicurist wasn't very talkative but that is an entirely different story).

If you don't like acrylics but want something a little stronger and longer lasting than a regular manicure, I highly recommend this. It is supposed to last up to 2 weeks (she told me some people's last for 3) as long as you don't pick at it. (Note to self: SC, no picking!) It goes straight on your nail, so if you are like me a prefer a shorter nail, you can do that! It is recommended to have it taken off by a professional. She told me that if you soak it yourself, you will likely still have residue on your nails.

I am really excited about this new find!

1 comment:

  1. I got one almost 2 weeks ago and it's still going strong! loving it!
