Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This and That

I don't know about you, but lately I have been catching myself saying, "I want this and I want that..." My mother used to get frustrated with me because I was always saying "I want, I want, I want". Well, I do want a lot, but I do know I can't get everything I want, at least not at once right?

Here are some things that I have been longing for lately:

A new car
This one might be a need soon

New makeup
I actually want a complete makeover so I will know how to best accentuate my features. And I have been sick of what I've been using for quite some time now.

New workout clothes
...and maybe a rockin' bod to go with it. (We'll get there, Denise.)

A new purse

A girl can dream right?

And there is always a want for more clothes, shoes, and accessories, so that doesn't count as anything out of the norm.

I want to do some crafty things around the house.

I would LOVE some time to do some of my summer hobbies - soaking up the sun, spending time with friends, read, 'book, workout more.

And that is just a start. I find it ironic that for someone who has so much, I can still find more to "want". Why can't what I have be enough? Oh well, I guess it is nice to know that I can long for things and still value what I do have. And, doesn't everyone go through spurts like this where they just want to change everything they have?

1 comment:

  1. wants are good, without them its all about power. if you have everything in life the only thing left is wanting power, and that is not a good thing. so thank god for all those cool things that we wish we could buy today . . . and the sense of pride when today finally comes
