Monday, June 14, 2010

Some Good Reads for Southern Girls

I mentioned a few posts ago that I had read a couple of wonderful books over Memorial Day weekend. I
highly recommend these for any woman, or young lady. Without necessarily knowing it, these books illustrate the women in my family and my friends. I am fortunate to be surrounded by strong Southern women who constantly remind me what is important in life.

What Southern Women Know (That Every Woman Should)

I am pretty sure this was my mother's handbook to raising me. There were so many quotes in there that I heard many times growing up. It is funny that no matter how much I hated them then, I remember them and cherish those words now. One of the prominent themes in the book was "Southern Charm" - I wonder why I liked it so much??? (Shout out!)

The Grits Guide to Life

This book made me laugh out loud multiples times! Girls, hold off on rushing out to get your own copy - you just might be getting it as a gift! It has everything from etiquette to the rules of football. It has everything you need to live a truly Southern life! 

Friends, don't you worry. Many of the things in both of these books reminded me of ya'll. Each of you is the epitome of the Southern Woman.

Thanks again, Future SIL, for lending me these - they were fabulous. (PS in exactly 2 months I get to drop the Future!!!!) There are other editions of these books that I can't wait to get into! (Such as a deeper look into faith and flirting)  I thought these were great reminders of everything I learned growing up - you can always improve so it is good to have reminders even if it is something you already know.

Be looking for some "Simply Southern" quotes from these books. They are just too good not to share!

I highly recommend them! (There you go Simply MJ, sorry for the delay!)

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