Sunday, April 18, 2010

Crazy busy!

So it has been a while since I have posted (and I had been doing so well)! This past week has just been insane! Let's start with last weekend...

Friday: A came in town and I went to his friend's wedding with him. It was so much fun to see him and his parents. I miss seeing them more often.

Saturday: Our group of friends got together for a day at Keeneland. It was so much fun! I got to see some friends that I hadn't seen in months. I miss them so much and it is always so nice when we can get together. It was a beautiful day and I finally got too much sun! I have never been there when it was so crowded so I didnt even see a horse, but honestly I was there more for the company. We got so many compliments on our "mom" tailgate with our spread of brunch food and snacks! And we ended the day with a lovely dinner on the patio. So much fun!

Sunday: My new friends at MLCF invited us to join them in a private suite at the Reds game, so I got to go with my parents and bring A. This was one of the funnest places to see the game!

 And I love getting to hang out with A, especially since I never know when I will see him again.

Work week: CRAZY! with my event on Friday, I worked like 60 hours before Friday. But I didn't dread it too much because this is the stuff I love to do. It just meant no gym time at all and lots of stress eating. (Oops!)

Friday: Our event was such a success! Even though it rained, everyone still had a blast and that is all that matters to me.  (I got to do some fun things like stand on the 50-yard line, go into the visitor locker room etc.)

Yea that's me and Coach!

Thanks to my friends who came out to the after party for support!

This weekend: I went to my favorite city to celebrate a sorority sister's bachelorette party. I had so much fun with these girls and a blast being in St. Louis! I really enjoyed the long drive through the corn fields with Simply MJ. It gave us lots of time to catch up and time for good conversation.

Work will slow down some now, but my social life has definitely picked up! (Yay for wedding season!) I just found out that I won't have a single free weekend in June or July, and some of August. And, I have so many things going on, that I have to send regrets in...I hate doing that! That just means lots of road trips, time with friends, and wedding notes to take!

Well I am still working on catching up on things around the house, but I need to catch up on some zzz's too. Have a good week!

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