Friday, April 30, 2010

What a Week!

I feel like this was an all around rough week for everyone. It is hard to believe that it was just a week ago that my future SIL was in town and we went to the fun date auction. The past 7 days have just been jam-packed and a bit chaotic.

Let's start with work...had a deadline to get a deliverable to the client by the end of the day Wednesday...they got it the end of the day Thursday. I was working with a difficult inexperienced intern, so I was hand-holding throughout the entire process. Not to mention, we had a little issue with the files we were working with. Basically a nightmare of a project - with my name on it. (Think back to those group projects in college when you had someone on the team that struggled a little more than the others. See we did learn something!) On top of that, I had an event this week, and I just got assigned to two more projects. And I love when you get, "Can I have this Monday morning?" at 4 on Friday. It doesn't look like it is going to slow down any. So to recap my role since no one really knows what I do (I am still working on that myself)- I am the creative team project manager, marketing coordinator/event planner, pr specialist, production coordinator, promotions/printing coordinator and assistant project manager to 3 client leads at the moment. Ah, I am a little nervous about how I am going to keep everything straight.

I was surprisingly in a good mood all day today, and so proud of myself I actually made it to the gym after work and had a great workout. But then I got rear ended on my way out of the gym parking lot...and I forgot my cell phone again today. (I have got to stop doing that!) I'm ok besides being a little shaken up about the whole thing, and Lil' Red is a trooper! Not a single dent, just a little scratch here and there.

Then I had to come home and house was in desperate need! I am too embarrassed to admit just how bad it was...

There needs to be more hours in the day! I feel like I am so far behind and dont know when I will get caught up.

I am on my way for a much-needed getaway for a weekend of friends and fun! Thank goodness!

Wishing a happy Derby weekend to all of you! Enjoy a few Mint Julips!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Julie and Julia

I just watched Julie and Julia. Yes, I know I am a little behind. It was a really cute movie! It sort of reminds me of my own admiration of American icons, both past and present.

Not only did it inspire me to be a better cook (I am still working hard at it), but it also inspired me to be a better blogger. How to do this? I am not quite sure yet. If you have any suggestions, I would gladly take them! (I am open to critique - just don't be too harsh. I mean, this is my life we are talking about here :) )

As for the cooking, well, I just need more excuses to cook. I decided that it was too expensive to try all these fancy recipes for just me, especially when I am perfectly fine living off of pb&j and cereal. (Maybe a boy would be more appreciative of my hard work?) Plus, the last thing I want to do when I get home from work is spend hours in the kitchen and still have to clean up a bunch of dishes!

My recent ktichen adventure was with some of my new favorite cookies thanks to Simply MJ. These lemon drop cookies are the bomb and will definitely be added to my list of favorite recipes.

If you haven't seen it yet, I do recommend Julie and Julia. Maybe eat first, because it will sure make you crave something yummy!

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Attack

Based on my past stories of where I work, I am sure we all expected this day to come. The businesses (if that is waht you would like to call them) around us are not the classiest establishments. They attract all kinds.

Well, not once, but twice this week, I encountered by far the scariest of characters from around here...

Yuck! Even the pictures give me the heebie jeebies! Earlier this week there was a cockroach CRAWLING ON MY LEG! Luckily, I was not working texting someone and my phone and had my phone cover in my lap. It was on my phone cover so I threw it across the room, keeping my cool of course. Then once the thing surfaced again, we had one of the boys come over and kill it. The the Exterminator came to spray for bugs.

Well this morning, I got to work, put my lap top  down and started with emails. I had not even been in the office for five minutes...then here comes another one across the keyboard as I am typing hands almost touched it.

This is sick! I am seriously grossed out to be at work today and I keep turning around expecting to see another one ready to attach. These are probably one of the most disgusting creatures there are.

The bug man thinks they come in from outside and there is a vent by me. Well that is closed now so I better not have another citing.

Is it the weekend yet?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How Did We Ever Survive?

Without cell phones?????

I forgot mine today when I left for work. Yes, I was really out of it! All day it was as if I was walking around without pants on! I felt so strange and out of it.

Then, I had a meeting tonight and didnt get to print directions or have my cell phone so I could call someone I was meeting if I got lost. Talk about some stress!

Well no worries, I did make it through the day, but I had no idea how dependent I was on that little thing.

On another note, Happy Birthday to my future SIL! I can't wait for her and big bro to visit this weekend!

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Idol

Ok, in case you don't alraedy know, I have a slight obsession with Carrie Underwood. I could go on and on about why I admire her, but I won't bore you with that. Instead I will just post this video for your entertainment. It pretty much sums everything up there. And I LOVE this dress she is wearing.


A truly amazing performance by a truly amazing person. (At least she seems that way from everything I have watched/read about her. I can't tell you how many of those things I have seen.)

If only...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Crazy busy!

So it has been a while since I have posted (and I had been doing so well)! This past week has just been insane! Let's start with last weekend...

Friday: A came in town and I went to his friend's wedding with him. It was so much fun to see him and his parents. I miss seeing them more often.

Saturday: Our group of friends got together for a day at Keeneland. It was so much fun! I got to see some friends that I hadn't seen in months. I miss them so much and it is always so nice when we can get together. It was a beautiful day and I finally got too much sun! I have never been there when it was so crowded so I didnt even see a horse, but honestly I was there more for the company. We got so many compliments on our "mom" tailgate with our spread of brunch food and snacks! And we ended the day with a lovely dinner on the patio. So much fun!

Sunday: My new friends at MLCF invited us to join them in a private suite at the Reds game, so I got to go with my parents and bring A. This was one of the funnest places to see the game!

 And I love getting to hang out with A, especially since I never know when I will see him again.

Work week: CRAZY! with my event on Friday, I worked like 60 hours before Friday. But I didn't dread it too much because this is the stuff I love to do. It just meant no gym time at all and lots of stress eating. (Oops!)

Friday: Our event was such a success! Even though it rained, everyone still had a blast and that is all that matters to me.  (I got to do some fun things like stand on the 50-yard line, go into the visitor locker room etc.)

Yea that's me and Coach!

Thanks to my friends who came out to the after party for support!

This weekend: I went to my favorite city to celebrate a sorority sister's bachelorette party. I had so much fun with these girls and a blast being in St. Louis! I really enjoyed the long drive through the corn fields with Simply MJ. It gave us lots of time to catch up and time for good conversation.

Work will slow down some now, but my social life has definitely picked up! (Yay for wedding season!) I just found out that I won't have a single free weekend in June or July, and some of August. And, I have so many things going on, that I have to send regrets in...I hate doing that! That just means lots of road trips, time with friends, and wedding notes to take!

Well I am still working on catching up on things around the house, but I need to catch up on some zzz's too. Have a good week!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ballgame Update!

Thanks to T-bird, I have some pictures to show you just how close we were to the game last night...

Thank goodness that girl didn't stand there the whole time!

This was as we were talking down to our seats during the National Anthem.

Yes we were that close to the dugout...There are some attractive players (ok it's the Reds, but hey, they are still baseball players)!

What a fun game!

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Last night I went to my first baseball game of the season! I was so excited to be there because my team was in town.

Some friends of the family gave us their season tickets for the game, and wow were they great seats! We were just 4 rows up from first base. Yes, 4! Not only was I right by the dugout to see all the players inside, but I was so close to Albert it was unreal! I even made it on the jumbotron for a second :)

I went with some of my friends from high school that I don't get to hang out with much. It was so much fun! And as if the night couldn't get any better, the rain held off and my Cards brought home a win! Not a bad way to start off the season, boys.

My parents got to go to the game too and one of our family friends from St. Louis called my mom to tell her that she was on TV in St. Louis! They even took a picture of the TV to send to her!

She says it is not flattering but of course I think she looks gorgeous!

This is truly my favorite time of the year and I can't wait for the rest of the season! Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, but I took some pictures on my phone so if I figure out how to upload them, I will share.

Note: We left the ballpark to go watch the fireworks show from my can only see the top half of the fireworks because of trees....I was a little bummed about that and I forgot they coordinated the fireworks with music which is one of my favorite parts!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Favorite Things for Decorating

Since I have recently had the pleasure of decorating my new place, and loving every minute of it, I thought I would share some of my favorite things when it comes to decorating! And since some of my friends are getting ready to move into their own places soon, maybe this can inspire your own decorating style!

For the walls:

I LOVE color! I also like adding dimension and texture with fun wall hangings and faux painting.
I love my bright green wall - even if people thought I was crazy for wanting it. And those flowers were one of the best purchases I made!

They also thought my dark red bathroom was going to be too much.

You can't see it very well here, but I did a rag/cheese cloth faux texture in my kitchen. It is very subtle, but someone said it reminded them of when you first put cream in your coffee. Sounds good to me!

The walls in the bathroom look like canvas.


I have pictures EVERYWHERE! Not only does it make me feel surrounded by all of the people who are special to me when they are far away, but it is the best way to let yourself shine through. Your guests will surely be able to get to know you!
Just some of my favorites :)

Ok, so AH isn't someone I know personally, but she is inspiring.

To add character:

I think everyone should have something they made as a decoration. However, if you don't think you are crafty enough to do it yourself, ask a friend to help!

Instead of buying expensive artwork, I printed pictures off and put them in frames.
I did the same thing for my coasters...
And I made some bouquets.
For Christmas, my grandma made me custom curtains for my living room. Matching pillows coming soon!

I have some other crafts in mind for other rooms!

To make your home welcoming:

This one comes easily once you make your house your home. One thing I like to do is to burn candles so that the rooms smell good!

This can also be done through little details such as serving dishes for when guests come.

(I am so proud of this find!)

My absolute favorite thing about decorating is just showing what makes me, well me, and expressing my style.

You know I love my StL Cards!

My entry and kitchen represent my home away from home in Lexington.
(I had to order 'LOVE' in the mail... They are up on the ledge above my entertainment center now.)

By no means am I a pro, but I really am happy with how everything has turned out so far! I still have some more decorating to do, but I think I should take a break for a bit to replinish the bank account. And I don't want it to be over, so I am making the fun last for as long as I can.

What are your favorite things for decorating?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

I think this is the 3rd best day of the year after Christmas and my birthday of course and I am so excited it is finally here!


Today, baseball season officially begins and my boys are in town!

I won't be going to the game today, but I am hoping to make one of them this week! And maybe I will make many more this year (games are so much fun with good friends)!

Everyone is already predicting StL to win the NL Central, so let's hope for a good season.

Go Cards!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Aw sugar, sugar...

I did it! I made it for 40 days without a single sweet or bread product (I only had cereal, oats and pasta, rolls, bread or even wraps!)

There were a few times when it was kind of hard, but all in all, I am surprised by my own willpower. There were chocolate cupcakes - and you know I love chocolate and cupcakes - right in front of me for 2 days at work. Didn't phase me at all!

Well, now sweets are back in my life and I am happy to welcome them back with open arms! I can't wait for dessert in tomorrow's Easter dinner!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

So today is the official beginning of the Easter weekend. Unfortunately, I don't have the day off work like most do, but I worked extra hard this week so I could take some time off without it counting against my PTO.

We are heading down to TN today. I can't wait to see my family!

Safe travels to everyone and I hope you have a wonderful Easter. (And eat lots of chocolate because I am sure I will!)

"He is risen; he is not here." - Mark 16:6

"This is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life" - 1 John 2:25

Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Showers...

Yes, I am loving all of these cheesy sayings about the months!

Can you believe it is already April? Time is flying by so quickly...thinking on where I was just a year ago, feels like it was yesterday.

I am really excited for everything that is going on this month. Easter (I can eat chocolate again!), Keeneland, bachelorette parties, and time with family that lives far away is going to keep me very busy!

Plus the big event I am planning for work is in just over 2 weeks!!!! I dont know what I will do when it is over...

So, here are the things I want to focus on this month:
  • Time management: I have become extremely chatty at work, both with gchat and my new friends (I now work on the fun side of things). The problem is that I talk a lot, or put things off that I don't want to do, so I end up having to work at home at night or on weekends. Plus I have been really busy lately, so all of the distractions keep me from being productive. Sorry gchat friends, I need to crack down. Well summer is coming and I want my life away from work to be as free as possible! There are so many things I want to be doing, there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day. (I think the event being this month will help with this goal.) Which leads me to my next goal...
  • Stress management: I tried to work on this in March but I didn't really do a good job. I think if I manage my time better, it will help my with stress. And I need better ways to handle my stress. I need to start by not letting little things get to me, but for the truly stressful things I can't control, I could probably handle those better. The other night I went for a long walk with my neighbor and felt so much better!
  • Bugdet management: I have officially realized that I have to be a grown up and treat my financials like one. I am proud of myself for handling my mortgage payments and getting the bills paid on time, but I have just been spending too much lately on impulse purchases. This month, I am going to live off the minimum of what I need. That means not trying fancy recipes just for myself (it is fun and I am becomming an awesome cook, but a little wasteful when I am perfectly happy with cereal and pb&j), no major shopping sprees (I think I can, I think I can), and saving as much money as I can. The only 'extra' I will spend on is something that benefits my social life, because that is a priority these days.
I am afraid April will go as quickly as March, but there is so much to look forward to! If you have any suggestions or tips that help you with these things, please share!