I am in much need of a blog therapy sesh. (Usually I get my therapy via the retail avenue, but since I am trying to save some, I figured I would give this a try.)
I dont know what my deal is, but this week I have been extremely distracted. I cannot focus on anything (which is why I am taking a short break from work to get this out).
Work has been really busy (but I like being busy, right?!) and on top of that, my mind and heart seem to be filled with thoughts and emotions coming from all directions. Do I sound like I am losing it? I sure feel like it at times.
Let's start with Tuesday night. I had some work that I had to get done for Wednesday and little Tillie wanted to play. I was trying to multitask when I quickly leaned back to grab something and hit my head on the corner of the coffee table. I'm surprised there was no blood. Later that night I was walking out of my bathroom and managed to walk right into the door. My arm is bruised from where I ran it into the doorknob.
Finaly Wednesday rolls around and I am feeling better about focusing on day to day activities such as walking. I had a meeting at 10, but being the freak that I am wanted to leave early so that I would have plenty of time to find parking and get there with at least 5 minutes to spare. I gather all of my things, put Tillie in the crate. And walk out the door as usual. (Since my hands are usually full, I just lock the door from the inside and shut it. That way I dont have to juggle everything and fumble my keys around.) I take one step and think to myself, "Wait, you dont even have your keys." What?! Yes, I just locked myself out of my house. That confidence I woke up with has now left me along with a little more. So I called my mother who has a spare key and the angel that she is, she came to let me in my own house so that I could make my meeting.*
Today, I am still finding it hard to focus on anything. Luckily, I got to talk to A** last night and he assured me that I am not losing it completely. However, I still feel like I should have it together right now. At least we are getting closer and closer to the weekend when I am hoping to have some clarity.
Ok, rant over. Back to work.
*Yes, I fortunately made it to my meeting and was just 1 minute late. (Thank you, God for making every light green and having a parking spot available for me to easily find.)
**So I am little late in getting this up here, but happy belated birthday, A. I will get your card in the mail sometime... now you know why I havent gotten it to you yet :)